01204 693500 contact@ccnw.info

Tree Planting and Establishment


Tree planting is when a tree is brought into a new location and set into the soil in order to allow it to grow to a mature specimen. Establishment is the process taken to enable the tree to become accustomed and self-sufficient within its new environment. Planting and Establishment must go together, as one without the other is only a half-finished job.

In our experience, most planting schemes that fail within the built environment is a mixture between poor planting techniques, such as planting the tree to deep, and a lack of simple establishment work such as watering in hot weather. A failure to carry out establishment operations within the first two years of planting will almost certainly require replacements to be planted and the dead trees removed, this will all be at extra cost to the land owner/developer.

BS 8545:2014 Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape – Recommendations is a solid and robust standard that all contractors that plant trees should utilise as guide on proper methods of planting techniques.

We can offer:


  • Comprehensive Planting Plans with full specs
  • Tree Species selection for specific environments and soil types
  • Planting Techniques for establishment in the built environment
  • Tree Planting
  • Tree Pit Design (Urban and Green-space)