01204 693500 contact@ccnw.info

Invasive Species Services

 A Fully Integrated Invasive Species Service 

CCNW offers a range of invasive species control solutions and management plans for residential customers and commercial businesses. If you are a home or landowner concerned about the presence of invasive species at your site, get in touch to discuss the most appropriate remediation option for your location.

We provide remediation, control solutions and eradication of the
following invasive species such as: 

 Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Bracken, Rhododendron,
Horsetail, Ragwort, Buddleia, a variety of Aquatic Invasive Flora and more. 

Japanese Knotweed
Giant Hogweed
Himalayan Balsam

CCNW have had experience in providing solutions to invasive species on a wide variety of projects, including habitat-sensitive projects, housing, highways, renewables, and commercial development sites, as well as domestic customers. 

We provide advice on suitable remediation programmes for invasive plant species, which consider what the project can deliver, given the budgetary and programme constraints, and aim to highlight any project risks immediately.

CCNW fully equipped invasive plant species team
provides the following services: 

Initial advice and consultation 
Preliminary site survey to map and identify specific invasive plant species
  and any associated site constraints 
Production of Management Plans – detailing the findings of the surveys,
  and methods for treatment and priced remediation strategies 
Clerk-of-work services for remediation 
Herbicide treatments 
Excavation and on-site bunding 
Excavation and on-site burial, often involving encapsulation or cell burial 
Excavation, haulage and licensed off-site disposal 
Hand-pulling and mechanical cutting of Himalayan Balsam 
Clearance, control, and treatment of other invasive species such as aquatics, Rhododendron,
  Horsetail, Ragwort, Bracken, Buddleia, 
Cotoneaster, Japanese Rose, Sea Buckthorn,
  Variegated Yellow 
Archangel and more

 Tackling the problem 

 For detailed information relating to the 3 main invasive species as shown below download our comprehensive PDF documents which include: 

 Remediation, Eradication Solutions & Control Services 
Surveys and Management Plans/Method Statements 
Invasive Species Legislation 

Download our comprehensive PDF documents

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