Yarrow Valley, Chorley
Client: Chorley Council
Final Value: £28,000
Start Date: Jan 2019
Status: Ongoing
CCNW has been appointed to carry out a wide range of habitat improvement works at the Yarrow Valley Country Park in Chorley.
The Yarrow Valley site covers an impressive 700 acres in the heart of the beautiful Lancashire countryside.

CCNW Solution
The key aim of the works was to undertake riverbank stabilisation and pond management, providing long-term erosion control, and habitat creation.
CCNW undertook the creation of a series of shallow water area scrapes. Utilising these natural depressions water can be retained on the floodplain for longer, creating a unique haven for an ecosystem detached from the main river channel.
Reedmace was removed from the pond and replaced with common reed to act as a filter and improve the water quality of the pond for wildlife. During the works, our Site Ecologist was on hand to give advice and provided a number of toolbox talks.
Hazel woodland was coppiced as part of a 7-year rotation plan to allow for differential growth. The collected brash was used to form brashmats and provide stabilisation to the riverbank. The banks were planted with native tree/shrub species to stabilise the poached banks and reduce sediment input.
River Erosion Control
Pond Management
Bank Stabilisation using Hazel Brashwood

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