The Willows, Eaves Green, Chorley – Footpath Works
Client: Chorley Council
Final Value: £56,000
Start Date: Apr 2019
Status: Aug 2019
CCNW was appointed to carry out landscape and ecological improvements at The Willows, Eaves Green, Chorley. This included the construction of a new entrance gateway feature into the beautiful Yarrow Valley Country Park from The Willows.
Owing to the number of new houses that have been built on Eaves Green over the last 5 years, the number of people visiting Yarrow Valley Country Park has increased. The planned improvements are intended to encourage people to walk from their homes and not rely on cars providing essential benefits for health and wellbeing and also for the local environment.

CCNW Solution
CCNW’s specialist conservation team has extensive experience with all aspects of footpath works and habitat improvement projects, already completing a wide range of works within the neighbouring Yarrow Valley Country Park.
CCNW’s project teams carried out the scraping off on the existing area and the creation of new footpaths, including natural stone walls with field gate and accessible pedestrian gates. The teams also undertook the creation of a new pond including excavation, installation of membrane, headwalls and overflow, and planting up. 70 metres of timber knee rail was installed around the pond.
Additional works including scrub planting, creation of native hedges and 5 Hibernacula for the enhancement and preservation of a range of wildlife.
The full project comprised the installation of new surfaced paths through the land; linking to Lower Burgh Meadows and Birkacre, the construction of a new pond and habitat enhancement through the site, along with the creation of a new grassed amenity open space to be used for informal play which will improve the recreational use of this land for hundreds of people who live nearby.
Special Features
Ecological improvements
Footpath creation
Pond creation
Access for all
Boundary management
Waterways and wetlands
Reinstatement and construction
Hard and soft landscaping
Countryside furniture

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